Really excited to share with you some fantastic news which i received yesterday. I have recently become a Registered Member of the Guild Of Professional Photographers, a highly regarded national body whose members are committed to achieving the highest standards of professionalism in the Photographic Industry.
I am really pleased to announce that 7 of my images submitted have been awarded the distinction of The Bronze Bar in last months Guild Of Professional Photographers Competition. The judging is undertaken by a panel of internationally recognised experts from a variety of photographic backgrounds and hence The Guild has very demanding standards when judging their photographic competitions….. So, as you can imagine i am over the moon and here are the images that won me my first ever awards!!!! Hopefully this will be the first of many!!
Fabulous work, very well deserved – should all be gold if you ask me! Well done Anna xx.
Beautiful work Anna!
Brilliant news! Congratulations! You should be really proud of yourself & your great work x.
Thank you for all your lovely comments:)
LOve them all…….well done on the awards…