Berkshire Newborn Baby Photographer | Personal Development

Touching base after returning from a great few days away whilst attending a brilliant workshop in The Business and Art of Newborn Photography with the lovely Melanie East of BabyME Photography. The whole days content and  Melanies approach has left me feeling totally inspired & motivated and I can not wait to start incorporating what I have learnt from the day in to my own business over the next 6 months to bring it forward yet again- exciting times, watch this space!!!! I am a big believer in self development and  investing in continued learning in this profession with the aim of  challenging and improving my own methods and techniques on a continued basis. Over the last three years, It has been a major factor in getting me where I am today. I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop Melanie delivered this week and would highly recommend it, not only to gain another insight into the art of photographing newborns but more importantly this is a workshop that focuses on key business issues and helps challenge and progress your current practices.

I am back now from my enlightening few days away, and back to usual business so please feel free to get in contact should you wish to book a newborn session with me (Berkshire Baby Art by Anna Hurst Photography). Bookings taken anytime after your 20 week scan.

Sneak peek of one of the images from the day.

(Credit:- Lighting and Posing by Melanie East Photography)

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